CARE     -    GROW     -    SERVE     -    PROCLAIM

​​Monthly Outreach
All money received in the Change for Change jar will be used to support HOPELINK food bank.

​Camp United

Our ministry of the month is Camp United Tent City (CUWS). CUWS works to assist residents with daily needs by facilitating their transition to independent living. All individuals deserve respect, and Camp United models empowerment, stewardship, and democratic self-governance. Check out for more information.
From the First Lutheran Quilters
We need your help to be ready for the next Quilt-A-Thon in October!
First Lutheran Quilters need people with sewing machines to assemble donated material into quilt tops and backs for Lutheran World Relief. We need 50 sets to have a Quilt-A-Thon in October. Please join us in the Fellowship Hall on Thursdays from 9:00 am to noon for instructions and materials for sewing at home. If you have questions, contact Audrey Fisher at 425-822-6143, Sue Ebert at 425-466-1717 or Donella Robbins at 206 550 8440.     

Thank you!
First Lutheran of Bothell,
Thank you for your financial generosity to Camp Lutherwood which helps us fulfill our Vision and Mission to bring God and Jesus into the lives of many people.
Your ongoing support is faithful to God who wants us to be in the world for all.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff, thanks with grateful hearts,
Janice Stepp

FLC Faith Partner Opportunities:

Ongoing Community Food Drive:  
      First Lutheran Church has partnered with the Northshore Nourishing Network and
      Continues to collect donations of non-perishable food items throughout each month. 
      Food donations can be dropped off at any time. Food is distributed to local food  
      pantries, the Northshore Senior Center and to several school food banks on a weekly  
      basis. Thank you for supporting the First Lutheran Food Drive and giving what you “CAN!”
      To learn more about the Northshore Nourishing Network, please visit:

Monthly Financial Outreach
January Outreach: Compass Housing Alliance
February Outreach: Hopelink
March Outreach: Lutheran Community Service
April Outreach: Poor People's Campaign
May Outreach: ELCA World Hunger
June Outreach: Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services
July Outreach:
August Outreach:
September Outreach:
October Outreach:
November Outreach:
December Outreach:

Scrip Cards are an Easy Way to Help with First Lutheran's Outreach Ministries

This is an excellent time to set up Shop with Scrip and Presto Pay for instant Scrip purchases and redemption on your smart phone. This is a super easy way to continue to support FLC's Scrip program. (See below for more information.)

We have other opportunities for earning money while you shop for FLC's many social ministry programs:
1. Link your Fred Meyer rewards card to their Community Rewards program for First Lutheran Church. All of your purchases will result in a quarterly donation to FLC.

2. Sign up for Bartell's B Caring Program, and name First Lutheran Church as your charity.

If you have questions email Gordy Phelps.

Stitch by Stitch - God's Love, Our Hands
Do you knit or crochet? First Lutheran has a large supply of yarn which you can turn into knitted or crocheted items that can help others. The yarn is available in Room 104 (downstairs, off Fellowship Hall). Stop in anytime to pick up yarn and get started on a project. Return finished items to the drop box in Room 104. Your knitted and crocheted items will be taken to places such as Compass Center, Eastside Baby Corner, Mary’s Place, nursing homes, animal shelters, and the Multiservice Center. You could also knit for our prayer shawl ministry.
Needed items include:
        Warm hats for men, women, and children
        Warm scarves for men, women, and children
        Sweaters for infants and children to size 14
        Twin bed size afghans
        Infant blankets
        Prayer shawls
        Kitty blankets for the Seattle Humane Society (about 2 x 2 feet)
We also have a large amount of cotton yarn suitable for dishcloths, potholders, or other projects. 
Questions? Contact Karen Thomas.

The Social Ministries Committee is responsible for choosing recipients of our outreach resources, as well as coordinating many fundraisers to benefit outreach in our local community and around the world. We meet the first Tuesday of the month at church. Please join us! Contact any of our members for more information:

 Alain Adjorlolo, Ray Thomas and Gary Curtis (Council Liaison) 

Social Ministries Committee