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Christian Education


Activity / Class
Room Number
Grades Preschool – Grade 6February 2 - 2310:30 - 11:30 am
Sunday School Youth Room / Rm 216/217
Confirmation Grades 7 - 8
February 2 - 23
10:30 - 11:30 amConfirmation ClassRm 110 w/ Lloyd Condra
High School  Grades 9 - 12
February 2 - 23
10:30 - 11:30 am
High School Class

Adult ClassSept. 8 - 29February 2 - 2310:30 - 11:30 am

With Pastor Berg

Fellowship Hall

The Education Hour begins at 10:30 AM (or as soon as worship is over) and ends at 11:30 AM.  You and your family are invited to grow in your faith and in your knowledge of God’s Word!  Please join us in the First Lutheran Faith Journey!

SUNDAY SCHOOL: (3-year-olds through 6th Grade)
Immediately following the Worship Service, Sunday School begins in the lower-level Youth Room with an animated Bible Video on the lesson of the day (around 10:35 AM).   Following the Bible Video, students move to the Music Room for singing and an Opening (10:40 – 10:50 AM). Next, the students move to the Sunday School Classroom, Room #216/217 (at 10:50 – 10:55 AM).  Bible Lessons are taught via animated videos, Bible readings, crafts, other activities and storytelling.   Depending on attendance, a class for 3-year-olds through Kindergarten students will meet in Room 212/213 and a second class for students in Grades 1 – 6 will meet in Room 216/217.  Teachers are Rene’ Baker, Rob Baker, Kim McCaw, Hazel Baker, Noah Berg, Isabella Curcio, Lyla Curcio, Jackie Fairbanks, Lucy Kay Osborne and Roger Steinke.  Please contact Roger with questions regarding Sunday School.​

A Combined 7th - 8th Grade Confirmation Class meets in Room 110.  Please contact Roger with any questions regarding the Confirmation Program.   Lloyd Condra is the lead teacher.  

HIGH SCHOOL CLASS: (Grades 9 – 12)
Through Bible Study and sharing, youth grow in their faith, learn to connect with each other in meaningful ways and explore ways to serve God and others. High School students are invited to join the Sunday School students (helping with activities and crafts) or will meet in the Youth Room for a High School Class. 

Journey classes will resume later this spring.

No Movie Review in February.